

Steven Soderbergh's Contagion is praised for a highly realistic depiction of an organized pandemic response. So why does a film so focused on the realistic utilize so many melodramatic moments? My 2017 essay for Melodrama Unbound explores this idea. You can find and download my article here.

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Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones

In 2019, I published an article about the lack of ecology in Game of Thrones despite its popular tagline "Winter is Coming." All action, no matter how intriguing or important to the characters, is unmoored from material conditions. You can find and download my article here.

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For the 2018 bicentennial of the initial release of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein I published an article examining the making and unmaking of people. An extension of my work with robots in cinema, I use the lens of artificial people in films like Frankenstein (1931) and Ex Machina (2015) to explore how people are constructed and deconstructed. You can find and download my article here.

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